Sunday, May 22, 2022

List of Academic Age Groups

kindly search for the website in your browser.

1st children: product tester - wakelet

2nd children: errands - listography

3rd children: photographer - flickr

4th children: chat specialist - telegram

5th children: photo album maker - mixbook

6th children: typist or captcha typer - typepad

7th children: transcriptionist - facetime

8th children: stylist - lookbook

9th children: programmer - weebly

10th children: video critics -tiktok

11th children: short tasker - ramble

12th children: content writer -

13th children: web developer - wix

14th children: graphic designer - ello

15th children: musician - mangatoon

16th children: stock trader - postach

17th children: survey taker - i-Say surveys

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