Wednesday, January 18, 2023

what is the holy family?


Porsche and Lincoln Family (Rodriguez and Mina Family)

Did you know there’s a family you can model your own family after? No, it’s not the family who sends you the picture-perfect Christmas cards each year. Or, the family who seems to have it all together on Facebook. It’s the Holy Family – Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. And, on the last Sunday of the year, we honor them as we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. There’s a lot we can learn from the Holy Family that can help our own family grow in faith and love.

A Perfect Example

Truth be told, I always thought the Holy Family was too high of a standard to follow. After all, how can we possibly emulate the traits of the Holy Family with such good and perfect examples like Mary (who knew no sin), Jesus, (who was human and divine) and Joseph (a saint)? But, the scripture readings and reflections on the Holy Family tell me otherwise.

Read this Article.

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